Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We need you to write your Congressional Representatives and tell them that you oppose Wilderness for the North Fork Mountain

Things you can do to help preserve bicycle access to on the North Fork Mountain Trail

1. Sign the Petition to Preserve Bicycle Access, we want 2,000 signatures:

2. Contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them that you oppose Wilderness designation for North Fork Mountain in West Virginia. Specifically, you oppose
House bill: H.R.5965 - Monongahela Conservation Legacy Act of 2010
Senate bill:S.3863
Talking points to bolster your email can be found here: North Fork Talking Points
Find your representative here: IMBA's latest North Fork Alert

3. Post pictures and anecdotes on IMBA's new Public Land's Campaign Web page for the North Fork by emailing them to Kristy at IMBA:

4. Please take time to complete the all new online Monongahela Trails Survey: and let them know which West Virginia Trails you ride on a regular basis. We specifically need you to comment on the North Fork Mountain Trail (Trail # 501) and show the Monongahela National Forest that bicycles use this trail on a regular basis. While you are on the site please also take the time to establish bicycle use on another area targeted for Wilderness by the West Virginia Wilderness Coalition, Seneca Creek Trail (Trail #515)

5. Keep posted on the latest North Fork Happenings by Checking out the Blog or joining theNorth Fork Mountain Facebook group

6. Plan a trip to ride the North Fork in the future!

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